Sweet Corn Processors
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BOOM begins the season early and strong with great emergence and allows one to get an early jump on your processing season. It has a slender .75" (2cm) cob with the total ear girth being 1.9 to 2" (5cm) and a 14-16 row count, which translates into deep kernels at a .40" - .47" depth (11.5 - 13 mm). The ear itself has good husk protection and great flags for husking. Boom also has better NCLB than the competition.

Bowie has a strong disease package and maturity that works well in early and late plantings. It shows strong emergence & vigor and consistent ear shape.

Camden is Crookham's full season SU option. Camden has a strong disease package and produces a long ear. Its ear diameter and rowing make it a good fit in cob and cut kernel segments.

Canyon's strong tip fill and high row count make this variety stand out. To date, Canyon has shown good performance as a cut kernel option.

Daytona is a robust plant that displays better resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight than the competition. The average kernel depth for this variety is between 0.45" - 0.52". The ear has wonderful husk coverage and good flag leaves for husking.

Enterprise is a late season sugary processor with an excellent disease package and strong lodging tolerance. A great option for late season plantings.

- Mid-season sugary processor with excellent yield potential and strong MDMV and Common Rust resistance. Works well for cut kernel and cob corn. Strong cold soil vigor for early season plantings.

Prelude is an early-mid season yellow sugary processor with strong cold soil tolerance, consistent cob production and a nice yellow kernel color. Proven performance for nearly two decades in the processing industry.

Stud has a petite kernel style. The yield potential is among the best, and the disease package makes this an adaptable hybrid for multiple geographies and seasons.

Stud Premium brings the same performance as Stud, but with a kernel style that adds 2 to 4 more kernel rows to meet your market demands. The kernel style is petite. The yield potential is among the best, and the disease package makes this an adaptable hybrid for multiple geographies and seasons.

Tamarack is one of Crookham’s most dependable and rugged varieties. It is a consistent producer, has a very good disease package, is widely adaptable, and has a rugged and sturdy plant. This stalwart variety also delivers a high-quality su1 crispness and taste for its season.