Sweet Corn Processors
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ZHY5022OD shows good field performance for a first early season variety. It has good length, good tip fill and very good holding power.
Baja is a large ear white SH2 with very good kernel depth. It has shown strong yield and competitive recovery.
Braveheart demonstrates strong emergence and a flexible planting window. It has a strong disease package and large ear for the season and works well in many markets.
Grenadier is a main season sh2 processor with high yield potential and is considered an athlete among sweet corn processors for its sturdy plant, holding ability, excellent cut kernel recovery and good kernel color on large consistent ears. It has flexible market uses for the Cobette, kernel and powder markets.
Impress is a late season sh2 processor with a high yield potential, strong lodging resistance and a flexible harvest window. Making this a very grower friendly hybrid.
Landcruiser is a mid-season variety that has consistent ear shape throughout the field. It also has a strong disease package and a high row count, making this variety a standout.
Marvel is a dependable and consistent producer in the early category. It has a proven reputation worldwide for high yield and case recovery. It is recognized for a unique tolerance to Common Smut. Marvel produces a glossy, high caliber product with great finish quality. Marvel is also known for its crisp kernel type and is suitable for canned and whole kernel frozen markets. It is also widely accepted in Asian and European Markets.
Ontario is a large ear, bi-color, that performs well on irrigated and non-irrigated plantings. It shows strong yield and competitive recovery on a consistent basis.
Samson is a high yielding variety that displays strong growth throughout the season. It has excellent emergence and vigor with competitive recovery. Samson is a highly productive dark green plant in appearance and produces ears with good flag leaves for easy husking. It has consistent ears with refined kernels and a very good eating quality.
Strongheart consistently demonstrates strong emergence that helps with better stand establishment. It has performed well in both early and late plantings for yield and recovery.
Townsend is a full season variety with a strong disease package. It has excellent husk protection and standability that make this variety a standout for processing.
Triple Threat is consistent in ear shape in multiple seasons and plantings. This dependability along with a compact robust plant, and excellent kernel to cob ratio, are key reasons for its success.
ZHY5233OD is a mid-main season sh2 processor with high yield potential and strong lodging resistance for the U.S., Europe and New Zealand regions.
BOOM begins the season early and strong with great emergence and allows one to get an early jump on your processing season. It has a slender .75" (2cm) cob with the total ear girth being 1.9 to 2" (5cm) and a 16 - 20 row count, which translates into deep kernels at a .40" - .47" depth (11.5 - 13 mm). The ear itself has good husk protection and great flags for husking. Boom also has better NCLB than the competition.
Bowie has a strong disease package and maturity that works well in early and late plantings. It shows strong emergence & vigor and consistent ear shape.
Camden is Crookham's full season SU option. Camden has a strong disease package and produces a long ear. Its ear diameter and rowing make it a good fit in cob and cut kernel segments.
Canyon's strong tip fill and high row count make this variety stand out. To date, Canyon has shown good performance as a cut kernel option.
Daytona is a robust plant that displays better resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight than the competition. The average kernel depth for this variety is between 0.45" - 0.52". The ear has wonderful husk coverage and good flag leaves for husking.
Como su nombre indica, este híbrido es un intérprete. El semental tiene muy buena agronomía con excelente potencial de rendimiento y un fuerte paquete de enfermedades. La sanidad vegetal sólida y robusta hace de esta variedad una productora constante. También tiene un atractivo color blanco y granos que son agradables en apariencia y sabor.
Stud Premium brings the same performance as Stud, but with a kernel style that adds 2 to 4 more kernel rows to meet your market demands. The yield potential is among the best, and the disease package makes this an adaptable hybrid for multiple geographies and seasons.
Tamarack is one of Crookham’s most dependable and rugged varieties. It is a consistent producer, has a very good disease package, is widely adaptable, and has a rugged and sturdy plant. This stalwart variety also delivers a high-quality su1 crispness and taste for its season.