Sweet Corn Fresh Market

Pot of Gold is a short stature corn for home gardeners. This stout gem has exceptional eating quality, and exceptional germination. It is a prolific producer that can produce 2 ears per plant. Its short stature will not shade other plants, making it a good garden companion that any home gardener will appreciate.
* Notice to Buyer: This product comprises protected technology from Crookham Company and one or more patents owned and controlled by Syngenta Crop Protection AG.

Equinox is a first early yellow variety that brings an ease in harvest and packaging with nice husk protection, a good looking ear, strong tip fill and short shank. It’s known for having the best eating quality and seedling vigor in its class.

Pot of Gold is a short stature corn for home gardeners. This stout gem has exceptional eating quality, and exceptional germination. It is a prolific producer that can produce 2 ears per plant. Its short stature will not shade other plants, making it a good garden companion that any home gardener will appreciate.
* Notice to Buyer: This product comprises protected technology from Crookham Company and one or more patents owned and controlled by Syngenta Crop Protection AG.

Eden is a game-changer as it unites the exceptional quality of taste and texture of the Augmented varieties with emergence and vigor. This high yielding and uniform sweet corn have a great tip fill and beautiful white kernels with even rowing. It is also easy to pick, packs well, and has held power from field to consumer. In trial after trial, Eden has proven itself to be exceptional on every level.